Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kendari City by Expenditure 2011 - 2015 Base Year 2010 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendari Municipality

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kendari City by Expenditure 2011 - 2015 Base Year 2010

Catalog Number : 9302020.7471
Publication Number : 74710.1624
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 7, 2016
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Gross Regional Domestic Product by Expenditure of Kendari Municipality 2011-2015 is a continuation of previous years publication prepared by BPS Kendari Municipality . This publication provides an overview of the economic development of Kendari descriptively . In this book also displayed tables of GDP by Expenditure in 2011 - 2015 at current prices and constant prices in 2010 in the form of nominal value and percentage. This publication specifically addresses the GDP by expenditure approach / final demand . This approach is broken down into several components , namely : Household Consumption Expenditure , Consumption Expenditures Non- Profit Institutions Serving Households , Government Consumption , Investment ( Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Change Inventory ) , Foreign Export Import Foreign Affairs , as well as Net Exports inter-regional ( inter-regional exports minus imports between regions ) . GDP data in this publication and subsequent publications using the base year 2010, and has implemented the concept of the System of National Accounts 2008 as recommended by the United Nations
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