The number of Air Transport Passengers in Southeast Sulawesi Province in April 2021 increased by 5.52 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendari Municipality

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The number of Air Transport Passengers in Southeast Sulawesi Province in April 2021 increased by 5.52 percent

The number of Air Transport Passengers in Southeast Sulawesi Province in April 2021 increased by 5.52 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 16, 2021
File Size : 3.74 MB


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  • Number of domestic air transport passengers in April 2021 recorded as many as 86,265 people or an increase of 5.52 percent compared to the previous month which recorded 81,755 people.
  • Number of domestic sea freight passengers in April 2021 recorded as many as 290.513 people or decreased 6.93 percent compared to  the previous month which recorded as many as 312,219 people.
  • Cumulatively Number of domestic air transport passengers in 2021 (January-April 2021) there were 292,712 people or down 27.98 percent compared to the same period in the previous year (January-April 2020) which was recorded as 406,433 people.
  • While the cumulative number of deep sea transport passengers country in 2021 (January-April 2021) was recorded as much as 1,212,355 people or an increase of 25.35 percent over the same period in the previous year (January-April 2020) which was recorded as 967,176 people.
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