April 2016, Kendari City deflation rate was 0.62 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendari Municipality

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April 2016, Kendari City deflation rate was 0.62 percent

April 2016, Kendari City deflation rate was 0.62 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 2, 2016
File Size : 0.76 MB


Deflation rate of Kendari City in April 2016, was recorded at 0.62 percent in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 119.43. Nationally from 82 cities that calculates inflation, five cities recorded inflation and seventy-seven cities recorded deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in the town of Tarakan (East Kalimantan Province) 0.45 percent and the lowest inflation was recorded at 0.04 percent Banjarmasin. Meanwhile, the biggest deflation was recorded in Kota Sibolga (North Sumatra Province) 1.79 percent. Deflation occurs in Kendari recorded due to the decline in the price index in the transport, communication and financial services 1.69 percent; 0.93 groceries and housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0.68 percent. While the group recorded inflation ie 0.86 percent clothing; education, recreation and sport 0.63; Health 0.53; food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco 0.11 percent. Commodities contributing to deflation is gasoline; bloated / puffy / Banyar / gembolo / aso-aso; stone; air transport; banana; electricity tariff; Cayenne pepper; sand; skipjack / scales and yellow tail. Commodities that contributed the biggest inflation is onion; Kite / bump; Long eggplant; Kale; garlic; Tomato fruit; slippers; tutoring; song and briefs.

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