The development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation Kendari August 2015 Amounting to 0.64 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kendari Municipality

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The development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation Kendari August 2015 Amounting to 0.64 Percent

The development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation Kendari August 2015 Amounting to 0.64 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 1, 2015
File Size : 0.59 MB


Inflation Kendari City in August 2015, was recorded at 0.64 percent in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 117.29 Nationally from 82 cities that calculates inflation, 59 cities recorded inflation and 23 cities recorded deflation, the highest inflation was recorded in Tanjung Pandan (Bangka Belitung) 2.29 percent and the lowest inflation rate recorded in Kota Probolinggo (Povinsi East Java) 0.02. Meanwhile highest deflation was recorded in Ambon (Maluku) 1.77 percent and the city of Manokwari ((West Papua Province) 1.68 percent.

Inflation in Kendari recorded due to the rising price index at 2.30 percent foodstuffs; food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco at 0.74 percent; health 0.67 percent; education, recreation and sport 0.20 percent, and housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0.16 percent. While the clothing as well as transportation, communications, and the Financial Services recorded deflation of respectively 0.28 percent and 0.15 percent.

Commodities that contributed the greatest inflation is rice; long eggplant; Kite; Rambe; cooking oil; filter cigarettes; meat yam race; banana; cucumber and spinach.

Commodities contributing to deflation is the largest air transport; the prospect / bloat; skipjack; red chili pepper; red onion; gold jewelry; yam egg race; baby clothes; BJU child collared shirt and papaya.

Of the eleven cities on the island of Sulawesi, the city recorded seven Inflation four cities recorded deflation. The highest inflation rate was recorded in Kendari (Southeast Sulawesi Province) 0.64 percent with CPI of 117.29 and the lowest inflation in Palopo City (South Sulawesi) 0.03 percent with CPI of 118.79. While the highest deflation was recorded in Palu (Central Sulwesi Province of 0.75 percent with CPI of 121.14.

Inflation Kendari calendar year (January to August 2015 was recorded at 0.97 percent and the inflation rate year-on-year (August 2015 to August 2014) was recorded 6.08 percent.

The inflation rate Kendari calendar year (January to August 2014 recorded 2.23 percent and the inflation rate year on year (August 2014 to August 2013) was recorded at 0.31 percent.

National inflation in August 2015 was recorded 0.39 percent and the rate of inflation (January to August 2015) 2.29 percent and the inflation rate year on year (August 2015 to August 2014) amounted to 7.18 percent.
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